Saturday, December 26, 2009

Animoto & Smugmug & Me

I was reading a Blog today about Animoto and how they've created a partnership with SmugMug (the site I use for hosting my pictures) and thought, hey that sounds Awesome!

So I decided just to play around and create a short (ie free) video of the images I have in my Wedding Porfolio Gallery. Their integration is so easy with SmugMug, I went to my gallery, clicked Buy, then Create a Video with Animoto. It automatically selected the images from that gallery, I shuffled the order of the photos, picked the Music, then clicked Compile.

The process took no more than 5-7 minutes, and most of that was Animoto doing their magic behind the scenes. So without further ado, my first (hopefully of many more to come) Animoto & Photography by Aaron P. Brown joint ventures :)

By the way their pricing is awesome, it's free for a 30 second video, $3 for a full length (non-commercial video) or $30 for unlimited videos for a year :)

Catcha soon!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Kids and Parents

Here's some of my parents with the kids, more to come...

Friday, December 11, 2009

New Changes to Website

Hey all,

A new year is coming, I'm on vacation, and with all this free time I decided to make some fun changes to my Photography website. The first change you might notice is my Photography by Aaron P Brown logo is no longer centered, it's aligned left, and the toolbars instead of being centered and below the logo are now on the same level and aligned right. This will change to depending on the browser window size, the reason I did that was to make more screen room available for this next change...

The biggest and most noticeable change was done to the slideshow on my homepage. I found out some SmugMug users had improved the code on the slideshow to also make it "stretchy" so on real high resolutions you'll see more detail on my pictures, which is especially awesome for the panoramas I have in the slideshow. So no matter what resolution you're running the javascript will resize the slideshow to be optimal for your browser, pretty awesome eh?

I also randomized the order of the images in the slideshow. I edited my blog to match the new arrangement as well. At the bottom of my homepage and blog are now clickable links to email me, instead of the 1988 method of having to either copy and paste it, remove the spaces and change [at] to @, etc. Plus on my webpage it's spam bot proof, mouse over the code to see, on the blog I couldn't figure out to get that javascript to work, so it's just an old fashioned a href="mailto:"...

While messing with all the code, I noticed some of the pictures in my slideshow were just web uploads 800x533, etc. So I'm in the process of uploading full versions to replace the web ones.

Last but not least I uploaded the "Keepers" batch from my December 2004 McKinney, TX Tiger Shoot. A few of these were already in my portfolio, but while looking for the originals to replace the web versions I had uploaded, I noticed some awesome shots that weren't on my site, so I did a quick run through, proccessed the keepers and uploaded to a new gallery: Tigers @ McKinney, TX - December 2004

And now it's 5:43am Mountain time so I'm probably going to pass out here in the next couple of minutes :)

Thanks for reading/swinging on by, and catcha later,

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Arili - Dec 10th

Arili hamming it up for my camera :)

Thursday, December 03, 2009

New Hawaii Shots, Round Top Drive, Diamond Head (Taken Dec 2nd)

Hey all, I'm still alive and still taking pictures! In fact I have some really good ones from today. Been working on them since I got back from shooting in fact. I stayed downtown too long and was stuck in traffic for an hour plus, but these shots were definitely worth the hassle.

As some of you may know I just got a new lens (EF 17-40L f/4) off of craigslist for a steal and a half, and today was the first day I really put it to use. I've had this lens before, Rocky Mountain National Park - October 2004 so I know it's an awesome lens to have, and I'd already tested the lens out indoors and was very impressed with the quality inside at ISO 1600 wide open (ie f/4), so I couldn't wait to get some real shots out of it. Anyway I'm sure you're thinking Aaron quit blabbing and show me the money, err pictures :)

Take a look!

I think the clouds really make this picture, they're the only reason I posted this one image in addition to the 2 panos I did from Round Top Drive.

View of Diamond Head Crater, downtown Honolulu and Manoa Valley (in the foreground) taken from Round Top Drive in Puu Ualakea State Wayside located in the Round Top Forest Reserve.


This is the second panoramic shot I took from this location. This one I used just a UV filter instead of a polarizing filter. It's another hand-held (no tripod) panoramic and I'm very impressed with the results. Yeah I can nitpick and say the horizon bows instead of being a straight line, but this is light years better than my attempts and hand holding panos in RMNP circa 2003-2004 :)

Panoramic shot of Diamond Head Crater, downtown Honolulu and Manoa Valley (in the foreground) taken from Round Top Drive in Puu Ualakea State Wayside located in the Round Top Forest Reserve.

19 shot hand-held (no tripod) panoramic composition stitched in Adobe PS CS4.

40D EF 17-40 f/4L USM
Shot @ 40mm ISO 100 f/8 1/400s

RAW conversion done in PS CS4

This PS file is 113MB and a resolution of 13081 x 3739 or 54.5" x 15.6" at 240dpi or a 139.9 megapixel image!


This is the third panoramic I took from Round Top Drive, and I call this version "Wider with Less Sky" :) Still a UV filter, and still hand held. I really like this one, extremely happy with the results. And the best part, aka the little easter egg, click on the picture, and the very right hand side you can see an airplane. I purposely waited for one to be in the last frame of the pano, and thankfully it didn't get cropped out when this pano was assembled. I don't know if I had better luck in this one, or since the horizon is higher, but there's almost no bow in the horizon at all.

Panoramic shot of Diamond Head Crater, downtown Honolulu and Manoa Valley (in the foreground) taken from Round Top Drive in Puu Ualakea State Wayside located in the Round Top Forest Reserve.

20 shot hand-held (no tripod) panoramic composition stitched in Adobe PS CS4.

40D EF 17-40 f/4L USM
Shot @ 40mm ISO 100 f/8 1/400s

RAW conversion done in PS CS4

This PS file is 126MB and a resolution of 13529 x 3766 or 56.4" x 15.7" at 240dpi or a 145.8 megapixel image!


This is my favorite image I took of the day (Dec 2nd), it's the Diamond Head Light House from the summit of Diamond Head. I took a bunch of shots of that little lighthouse mostly just point and click, but this is the one where I composed the shot, waited for the waves to be just right, etc. :D I'm really glad it turned out as well as I envisioned it. Not to flatter myself but it reminds me of a post card, or a pictures from a lighthouse calendar.


I took more pictures from the Diamond Head and Hanauma Bay, but I'm still working on those. Stay Tuned!
